The underlying water footprint data for crop production in SA that were utilized in this study stem from Mekonnen and
Hoekstra (2010a), who estimated the global water footprint of crop production for the time period 1996–2005 with a crop
water-use model at a 5 by 5 arc minute spatial resolution. The water footprints of grazing and animal water supply were
obtained from Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2010b). The virtual water import and export data related to trade of agricultural
and industrial products are from Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2011). Data on blue-water scarcity were obtained from
Hoekstra et al. (2012) and the water pollution level data stem from Liu et al. (2012). Data on yield and producer price per crop were obtained from FAOSTAT (FAO, 2014). Furthermore, the consumptive water footprint benchmarks for crop production