Four of a total of 13 strains of lactobacilli tested
inhibited the growth of enterococci. The anti-enterococcal
activity detected was of a low level, but was
present in the cultures and the sterile, filtered culture
supernatants. Sensitive enterococci were inhibited
by a combination of two, three or four of the lactobacilli
cultures or culture filtrates. Eighty-three per
cent (1 5/18) of the enterococci (excluding strains
C801 and C815 which were S. agalactiae species)
were sensitive to RC-15 and B-54, 61 per cent
(1 1/18) were sensitive to RC-6 and 72 per cent (1 3/
18) to RC-28. Previous studies have indicated that
lactobacilli with this level of activity against