Power of water
1 To Know the real power and er erg found is water. But there is speed is water But there is a lot of Benefili and advantages of water which is the first. But water has been obliged from In any suieces but one of the most Emporlan is the harnessing of the water fall. But the waterfall has got more use as it falls from a her gel and has got. More eragy. So when water falls from a height at can be utilized is various steps. But compared to the normal running water which are less then the water falls. The Niagara water falls laordering Canada and hmerica have yet to be used to is better advantage. The shape of the water fall and the cubic meters is the water has risen up to 1.5 Kilometers. During the past 300 years the power of water has yet not risen but the level of the water is decreasing every year by 1 meter lithis meason for this power is due to Global warming.
2 The rise of the water in the mountains or hills the fall in water levels in rivers has been the result of thousands of years. A decision has been made into which the branches or diversions of the river can be brought together K from a contour or a lagoon.
3 The power and energy of the water can not only be use for one purpose. But can be put into different from the advantage of water can be of many kinds. But we can use the power of a waterfall to generate Hydro electricity. Therefore the water from a waterfall can be used to turn turbines on big wheels which we’ll help to generate electricity. Due to this electncal engineers can help to generate more electricity from the waterfalls.