3.6.1 Loyalty towards a Company
Conversely, the situation Generation X experienced, as mentioned above, translates into a similar approach towards corporations by Generation Y. Yers feel little loyalty towards corporations and will often only stay for as long as they feel they are benefitting from working where they are. Yers as a group do “…not share the belief, common among baby boomers, that a corner office, or impressive job title equals success” (Hastings). Therefore, when a better offer is made to them elsewhere they have few objections to changing company.
It is a very different approach towards work than the previous generations took where loyalty to the company was assumed with Veterans. Baby Boomers would work their way up in a company in contrast to Generation Y, where moving up the corporate hierarchy is not key. Instead enjoying the work is more important, if it means going up or across a company or even changing company.
In addition to this, Yers enter the workplace with very high expectations. When they start working they do not want to work their way up the corporate ladder or start by doing tedious jobs. Generation Y wants to start with interesting work on the first day and if they are not happy there is a strong possibility they will leave for another company. They also expect