Therc is thus still ao urgcnt necd to mount a comprehcnsive search for Gurney's
Pina, and this might also be used to idcntify those areas in peninsu.lar
which continuc to suppon the dchest lowland forest bird communities. Such survey
work could also yicld firnher dctailcd information concerning the impact of the
'diversity anenuatiou phcnomcnon' (Wclts 1985:216) on thc lowland bird
community in Tbailand. Such a search should frst clncennate on those former
przryr' localities where forcst still rcmains on the submontanc slopes: thc hills west
ofPrachuap; Thasan (Chumphon provinct); the headwaterso frhe Klong Lamphun
(Surat Thani provinct! Khao Wang Hip (Nakhon Si Thanruarat provincc[ Khao
Phanom Bencha (Krabi provincc[ thc hcadwatcrs of thc Klong Tung Sai (Phuket
Island); and Khao Chong (Trang province). Of these, the Prachuap hills and Khao
Phanom Bencha appear to providc thc bcst bope.