Finally, Saturn is in the Fourth House, and you can literally feel a boost in your adrenaline where your work and career realm is concerned. Many of you might not have been clear on where exactly you wanted your career to go, but now you have that old zest back again and the fog is lifting.
The heavy-hitting outer planets are all below the horizon and your ambition will be up and down. It may seem as though your focus is more about finance, and home and family, with sporadic surges into personal ambition.
You can be sure that the eclipses will shake up the status quo if you let them, and even if you don't let them. Those out of the blue events that they bring are generally out of your control, Virgo, but the upside is they help you achieve things you never thought you could manage on your own.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune involve themselves in a planetary configuration that involves your personal life. It's called a T-Square and the answer to this dilemma takes place in the Tenth House of career. The week of March 20th could hold a surprise or two, so put your personal life on the back burner and prepare to work diligently on your career during the next month or two. Nothing is what it seems to be, and you know it, Virgo.
September 1st is an important career time with a Solar Eclipse in your own sign. Blend into this mix Jupiter moving into your personal financial house, plus the Mercury retrograde, and you better make that list and check it twice. With your ruler retrograde four times this year, you need time to review your career. When the time for change is here, the cosmos is relentless and in this case reminds you of any unfinished business lurking in your life.
When career is involved the actions of Mars, the instigator, can't be ignored. This warrior star is more than headstrong this year, he will be traveling in unexplored territory and dragging you with him.
The upside is you are thinking out of the box and that an idea that has been germinating for years suddenly blooms sometime between April and June, increasing your confidence and surprising your workmates and superiors. This year could be a turning point in your career!
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