What types of pollution are there and why is it a problem ?
What can people do to prevent it ?
In recent years, many countries in the world has many problems with pollution.
Over population is part of problems, because everyone want to convenient and careless to use environment.
Main types of pollution is household and industrial waste,
air pollution from vehicle exhaust, dust from construction,
litter from people drop bottles and nuclear waste from power plants can be dangerous for many years.
These is main points to make pollution in many countries. What can people do to prevent it ?
Firstly, we should encouraging people to recycle their house waste
such as use bottles to create a flowerpot, separate types of waste and so on.
Let them know about pollution from household on social media and also teach children how to protect environment.
Secondly, nowadays people prefer to use private car for travel.
we should encouraging people to use public transport rather than use private car to reduce exhaust carbon dioxide.
Also, encouraging people to cycle or walk for good health in future.
Thirdly, Over population in many counties make big problems of pollution.
Energy is a big one of problem because everyone use a lot of energy in everyday.
we should advise how to reduce their energy use such as not using air condition,
using low energy light bulbs and electrical appliances and each other.
To conclude, many countries in the world will trying to prevent pollution.
They have effective tool to solves these problems, but almost all people do not interesting them.
In my opinion we have many ways to prevent environment. We should create campaign by social media for young people.
I believe people can reduce and solves pollution problem in recently, if we cooperate together