3.5. Ad planta experiment
In the pot experiment, isolates B. cereus BC1AW andP. putida
PP3WT significantly reduced bacterial wilt incidence, expressed
as area under disease progress curve (AUDiPC) in tomato genotypes
KK 2 by 46.8% and 44.7%, respectively, and in genotype
L390 by 33.6% and 30%, respectively, while in split root experiment
they reduced AUDiPC by 48.7% and 43.2%, and 25.7% and 20.1% in
KK 2 and L390, respectively.
Similarly, the isolates B. cereus BC1AW andP. putida PP3WT reduced
bacterial wilt severity expressed as area under the disease
progress curve (AUDsPC) in tomato genotypes KK 2 by 24.2% and
20.4%, respectively, and in L390 by 17.5% and 14.1%, respectively,
in pot experiments. In the split root test experiment, they reduced
AUDsPC by 20.3% and 18.3% and 15% and 12.9%, in genotype KK 2
and genotype L390, respectively, compared to the untreated R.
solanacearum infected control (Figs. 2 and 3).