Hi K.Nithijet,
Following a short phone discussion, I'm sending you a copy of bonsucro presentation.
Bonsucro is basically a certification system, introduced to the sugar industry to
ensure end-to-end sustainability. I'm sending you a short ppt version. I have a
39-pager version too, please let me know if you want a copy or this can viewed
on-line, at bonsucro website.
Please let me know whether your company is familiar with the concept (or not). If
yes, what is the plan and timeline? For FrieslandCampina, we're evaluating the
industry readiness. A few companies have made steps into sustainable sugar
sourcing, i.e. Coke and Unilever. If you go to their website, bonsucro is mentioned
If you want to discuss further, please don't hesitate to call my mobile
+081-638-3730. Thank you.
I'm copying this note to K.Somchai and K.Peeraya, for reference only.
Best regards,