Plant mitochondria are typically portrayed as being small, oval
organelles. However, a recent study has demonstrated that the
chondriome of shoot apical meristem (SAM) cells of Arabidopsis
thaliana is unique in having two types of mitochondria, a large,
central, tentaculate mitochondrion and variable numbers of small,
oval mitochondria in the cell cortex that fuse with and fission
from the tentaculate mitochondrion.
The tentaculate mitochondrion
wraps around the nucleus and persists throughout the cell
cycle, undergoing distinct changes in morphology and size in a
cell cycle-dependent manner. Here we demonstrate that SAM cell
plastids, which also contain DNA, do not reticulate, and address
the question as to why SAM cell mitochondria but not plastids
form reticulate structures. We postulate that the presence of a
large, tentaculate mitochondrion in SAM cells provides an efficient
means for homogenizing the mitochondrial DNA and proteins
during vegetative life prior to gamete production, and that this
mitochondrial architecture prevents speciation. The lack of plastid
reticulation in the same cells most likely reflects on the fact that
the individual plastids are much larger than the small mitochondria
and therefore do not need to fuse to achieve efficient intermixing
of their genomes.
Plant mitochondria are typically portrayed as being small, ovalorganelles. However, a recent study has demonstrated that thechondriome of shoot apical meristem (SAM) cells of Arabidopsisthaliana is unique in having two types of mitochondria, a large,central, tentaculate mitochondrion and variable numbers of small,oval mitochondria in the cell cortex that fuse with and fissionfrom the tentaculate mitochondrion.1 The tentaculate mitochondrionwraps around the nucleus and persists throughout the cellcycle, undergoing distinct changes in morphology and size in acell cycle-dependent manner. Here we demonstrate that SAM cellplastids, which also contain DNA, do not reticulate, and addressthe question as to why SAM cell mitochondria but not plastidsform reticulate structures. We postulate that the presence of alarge, tentaculate mitochondrion in SAM cells provides an efficientmeans for homogenizing the mitochondrial DNA and proteinsduring vegetative life prior to gamete production, and that thismitochondrial architecture prevents speciation. The lack of plastidreticulation in the same cells most likely reflects on the fact thatthe individual plastids are much larger than the small mitochondriaand therefore do not need to fuse to achieve efficient intermixingof their genomes.
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