The other major account of concepts currently discussed by psychologists is called the knowledge
view or sometimes the theory-theory. This view points to the large role that concepts play in
providing explanations. For example, your concept drunk helps in explaining the behavior of people
who have had too much alcohol, as when you say that Fred crashed his car because he was drunk.
Then a major part of a concept is not just its defining characteristics or its typical conditions or its set
of associated examples, but the causal relations it identifies between things. Another complication in
recent experimental work on concepts is the suggestion that many concepts are inherently multimodal,
having a large sensory component such as visual, tactile, or auditory, not just a verbal one. For
example, your concept of a chair may be highly visual if it involves pictorial representations derived
from previous perceptions of chairs. Your concept of a drunk may be partly olfactory if it includes the
smell of alcohol on a person's breath.