Sorry for the late reply. Why are you sad? Is it because he visited Singapore?
I don't remember Johny has a wife yet. Are you both planning to get married sometime soon?
I just want to clarify that Johny and myself are not staying together in Singapore although i am bringing him around. This is my country and it is my duty to ensure he gets the best of out it during his visit. I am glad and feels proud for him to step out of Thailand and started to see the world.
As you know we plan to do business together and it's coming soon. Please pray for us that our business will prosperous as i really want to see Johny successful in the business. I want to help him as much as i could.
Can you please tell me more about the two of your relationship? How long have two of you been in love? Since both of you are staying together, do you have sexual relationship with him till now? When is the last time both of you have sex, hugs and kisses? I am just being a very open minded lady.
Johny is lucky to have you as I understand you have helped him alot in terms of financial (money). You must have given a lot of your love to him.
However I want to share with you money cannot buy love. Love is something that both party is missing each other and loving each other.
Best regards