Skill Icon ForceMaster 0 06.png
Impact 1 0 Centered on Caster 2x10m Instant Instant Yes
This skill deals direct damage to an area in front of you and has additional effects based on stacking debuffs already placed on the target.
For reach Ember stack on the target, this ability deals an additional flat amount of Explosion damage. After this is added, it does additional Flame damage based on how many Ember stacks are on the target past the first: 75% additional for 2 stacks, 100% additional for 3, 125% for 4, and 150% for 5. This is despite the tooltip claiming it does 75% additional damage.
If the enemy is currently in the Frozen state, Impact will knock them back five meters and stun them for one second. It then removes the Freeze state from the enemy. Using Impact in this way deals about five times the damage it normally would.
Both the additional damage from Ember stacks and the knockback/stun from the Frozen debuff can happen at the same time if the enemy has both.
Stage 1: Synergy with Frozen enemies (Focus recovery and HP absorption), short block to ranged attacks with Focus gains on block. Secret: Counters as well as blocks, does knockback on countered enemies.
Stage 2: Synergy with Ember stacks (B
urn and explosion on 5), larger attack area. Secret: Additional damage.
Stage 3, Stage 4: See Force Blast.
Stage 1: Synergy with Frozen enemies (Focus recovery and HP absorption), short block to ranged attacks with Focus gains on block. Secret: Counters as well as blocks, does knockback on countered enemies.
Stage 2: Synergy with Ember stacks (Burn and explosion on 5), larger attack area. Secret: Additional damage.
Stage 3, Stage 4: See Force Blast.