In the design of professional accounting education programs, the 11 competence areas listed in
Table A may not be identical to the names of prescribed courses or subjects. Also, the learning
outcomes associated with one competence area may be achieved across more than one course or
subject dedicated to that area. For example, the learning outcomes for financial accounting and
reporting may be achieved across two or more financial accounting and reporting courses or
subjects. The achievement of some learning outcomes may extend across several different courses
or subjects, none of which may be devoted solely to that competence area. For example, the
learning outcomes within information technology may be achieved through the integration of
relevant material within courses that focus on management accounting and/or auditing and
assurance. In addition, the sequence in which the competence areas are included in a professional
accounting education program may differ from the sequence presented in Table A. For example,
economics is listed towards the end of the list of competence areas in Table A, but may be covered
fairly early in a professional accounting education program.
In the design of professional accounting education programs, the 11 competence areas listed inTable A may not be identical to the names of prescribed courses or subjects. Also, the learningoutcomes associated with one competence area may be achieved across more than one course orsubject dedicated to that area. For example, the learning outcomes for financial accounting andreporting may be achieved across two or more financial accounting and reporting courses orsubjects. The achievement of some learning outcomes may extend across several different coursesor subjects, none of which may be devoted solely to that competence area. For example, thelearning outcomes within information technology may be achieved through the integration ofrelevant material within courses that focus on management accounting and/or auditing andassurance. In addition, the sequence in which the competence areas are included in a professionalaccounting education program may differ from the sequence presented in Table A. For example,economics is listed towards the end of the list of competence areas in Table A, but may be coveredfairly early in a professional accounting education program.
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