I. Airbags
Air bags placed on outskirts of the car are a vital and
special feature of the proposed design. During possible cases of
a collision the warning is shown on the screen with a typical
sound to alert the driver to bring his car out of danger zone.
Under situations when driver is unable to take any quick
decision, the airbags deploy automatically. Usually this takes
place when the reaction time left is less than 5 seconds. The
airbag at the predicted point of collision will get filled with
nitrogen gas. As in most of cases, if the velocity of the
approaching vehicle is high then one airbag will burst during
the contact and adjacent airbags will open up and provide
support automatically as these airbags are interlinked intemalJy
thus net result will be a bump between two cars making it safer
for both the collider and the one it collides with. Thus it is
proclaimed to ensure safety at all speed and different points of