1. Proposal from the Commission
2. Opinions from national parliaments
5. Commission can amend its proposal
6. First reading by the Council (*)
10. Commission opinion on Parliament’s amendments
11. Second reading by the Council (*)
14. Conciliation Committee is convened
15. Conciliation Committee agrees on a joint text
7. Council approves Parliament’s position. The act is adopted
12. Council approves all Parliament’s amendments to the Council’s position at first reading. The act is adopted
16. Parliament and Council agree with the proposal from the Conciliation Committee, and the act is adopted
8. Council and Parliament disagree on amendments. Council adopts position at first reading
13. Council and Parliament disagree on amendments to the Council’s position at first reading
17. Parliament and/or Council disagree with the proposal from the Conciliation Committee, and the act is not adopted
4. First reading by the European Parliament: Parliament adopts a position (amendments)
9. Second reading by the Parliament: Parliament approves the Council’s position at first reading — the act is adopted in ‘early second reading’ — or proposes amendments
3. Opinions from the European Economic and Social Committee and/or the Committee of the Regions (when this is required)