Urgent warning - the Vendosupport.com web service transacts fraud transaction. I did a 30 day and 3 day trial subsribtion with my credit card to two websites[All access reality, Married Chat City, and Married Wanting *** after my divorce - foolish I know]. However, these guys kept on automatically renewing the 30 day trial period and billing me for it - hiding the transaction with a Dorfstra code - which on the surface looks innocent. SO I am several hundered dollars, or a few thou SA rands out of pocket. I have initiated fraud criminal investigation charges. The reason it seems is small hidden print "that they will automatically renew subsription if you do not actually cancel the service - funny thing is not on the subscribed sites - you have to cancel on the "Vendosupport.com" site - which you find out by the way. They also do not give advance warning or notice of the billing renewal action. Very mean, sly and clever.