Represents the unity of the peasant farmers have an opportunity to meet together and to show mercy to those with merit are the Buffalo to give Buffalo a 14 month, 11th day. prior to the end date, which is near the end of the rainy season to approach winter. Tradition is tradition, Buffalo held annually. For the 14th month 11. Why choose Remove today because it is the day the Lord. Farmer peasants took Buffalo wagons loaded banana, coconut, banana imitation coconut comes to people in the city will have to wrap the rice soup tail. The morning day pouring volume rose na Buddhist lent surcharge will have an opportunity to purchase the nearby temples of God by raising for the Lord and the Buddhist lent. Current Buffalo tradition in Chonburi held 14th month, 11th day, District 15 month's day we have organized 11 khün swamp markets. Tambon Nong District have organized day of tea. # 1, 11th month, Middle Temple, tambol saensuk, amphur Muang, Chonburi, Don chon buri. Arrange the Buffalo in the annual thodokthin of the temple.