Keywords arch, crowding norms, verbal protocol analysis, Acadia normative reset National Park
Conventional studies of normative standards of quality in outdoor recreation rely on quanti ative research methods. For example, park visitors might be asked to rate the acceptability f a range recreation-related impacts, such as encounters with other visitors or degradation measures of acceptability (or other evaluative di f campsites. While these studies derive ensions), they may not inform researchers or managers of potentially important elements f the cognitive process respondents use to derive and report such numbers. These cogni t in informing researchers of the normative character of such ve insights may be importan dgments and in allowing managers to assess whether or not these judgments are rendered thin a eontext of realistic consideration of the tradeoffs inherent in park and outdoor creation management
Qualitative research might be used to gain insights into the cognitive processes underly g normative research. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods
Received 9 June, 2003; accepted 23 June, 2004.
Address correspondence to Robert Manning. University of vermont, Burlington, vro540s USA. Email: