I've been nominated to do push ups byDAisy Foster
22 push-ups a day for 22 days to raise awareness for combat veterans struggling with PTSD. There are 22 vets a day that are committing suicide, and this is a small way to raise awareness.
Day 3: I nominate my beloved sisterLooktarnly Sukprasert,who grown up together in Roi-et to join me. ใจสู้รึเปล่า น้องตาลทำได้อยู่แล้ว
You start tomorrow!
**Read the rules but I'm bending them slightly - please do the push ups daily, nominate a friend and post videos if and when you can**
You start tomorrow! The rules are simple:
* Once you are nominated your 22 days start the following day.
* Every day do the 22 push-ups. Try your best to reach 22. If that means doing assisted (from your knees) push-ups or that you have to stop and take a break that's fine but try to get them all done.
* Every day you must nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think will want to do this and/or have the ability to do it.
* And finally, have fun with this. This is a simple and fun way to get the word out about a matter that more people need to be aware about. These brave men and women put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms and its sad that so many veterans feel that suicide is the only way out.