should not focus on specific issues, like whether to allow people to use their iPads at work, because it’s a foregone conclusion. Rather, focus on solutions to the bigger business challenge – enabling technology
for competitive advantage. Someone else’s responsibility Ten years ago, employees were assigned
laptops and told not to lose them. They were given logins to the company network, and told not to tell anyone their password. End of security training. Today, your ‘millennial’ employees – the people you want to hire because of the fresh ideas and energy they can bring to your business – show up to their first
day on the job toting their own phones, tablets, and laptops, and expect to integrate them into their work life. They also expect others – namely, IT staff and chief information officers – to figure out
how they can use their treasured devices, anywhere and anytime they want to, without putting the enterprise at risk. Security, they believe, is not really their responsibility – they want to work hard,
from home or the office, using social