The other dynamical signals are considered to be small
in this area, in the order of a few centimetres. The steric
variations may be large over a year but they will average
out when considering several years of data. Moreover this
signal has a basin-wide signature and its contributions will
be equivalent in the altimeter and the in situ data. The
mesoscale activity, which is rather weak in the area, may
introduce noise in the punctual bias estimates, but it will
be filtered out when considering several years of data.
Finally, the interannual variations are not large in this
region, as it was shown in Section 3.2 with the study of
the altimeter mean sea surface profiles, but they may introduce
slight differences in the bias estimates between the
coast and the offshore tracks. However, the most impacting
oceanic phenomena are the tides and the wind and atmospheric
pressure forcing.