In this study, high resolution (5.8 m) multi-spectral satellite data (IRS-P6, LISS IV) along with extensive
ground information were used for sustainable land use planning of a rainfed watershed in eastern India
(Bahasuni watershed, Dhenkanal, Orissa). Pedo-transfer functions were developed to predict soil water
constants using easily measured parameters such as cation exchange capacity, organic carbon, oven-dry
bulk density, soil texture, calcium carbonate etc. Different morphometric parameters like drainage
density, stream frequency, form factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio, bifurcation ratio, relief ratio,
relative relief, etc., were analyzed in relation to the development of water resources in the watershed. A
circulatory ratio of 0.56 indicated that the shape of the basin was fairly elongated and suggested that the
area was not prone to flood. The elongated shape, together with a moderate bifurcation ratio (3.01),
indicatesmoderate flow,moderate runoff andmoderate sediment yield. A lowdrainage density (2.7 km/
km2) furthermore implies the presence of permeable strata with high groundwater prospects and
supports the assumption of moderate runoff and sediment yield. After studying potentials and prospects
of soil hydro-physical properties and morphometric parameters, a suggested land use alternative was
implemented in representative, rainfed rice areas of the watershed and was found to be more productive
and more profitable.