As expected of this big city's Guild Branch Head, he could clearly judged people. He was able to notice the slight change in Hajime. Since this change was also desirable for Ilwa, he gratefully accepted Hajime's proposal
Later on, although the two organizations planned on raising their influences by taking advantage of Flithof's annihilation, it didn't become just a big when thanks you Ilwa's effective use of the names of Hajime's party similar to how adults would scare children by saying "Namahage will come~" But because of this, Hajime gained various nicknames such as "Right-hand man of Fhuren's Branch Head," "White-haired, eye-patch, blazing flame-user," and "Little girl-killer"... However, Hajime didn't know of it, and it's no big deal if he had no knowledge of it.
[T/N: Namahage is a demon-like being, portrayed by men wearing hefty orge masks and traditional straw capes during a New Year's ritual.]
In regards to dealing with Hajime's party who caused such a grand rampage, thanks to Ilwa's effort, connections, and the unexpected help from the Security Bureau who defends the public peace, it became a legitimate case of self-defence. Thus, there was no problem at all. Apparently, even for the Security Bureau, the case where a child they were entrusted with was kidnapped, along with the bombing of one of their office, had become quite a hit on the head.
In addition, they could not tolerate the underground organization which kept doing illegal acts while making a mockery of them. The bureau director came to greet Hajime's party with truly manly smile to conclude all things, and when he left, somehow his steps were light as though it was humming, "La dida dida."
"Next, about Myuu-kun..."
Ilwa turned his gaze towards Myuu who was munching a cookie she held with both hands like a squirrel. Myuu twitched because of his gaze, uneasily looking up at Hajime, Yue, and Shia due to not wanting to be separated again. The reason she didn't look at Tio was... it was the elders' role to prevent a child from seeing something harmful.
"She could be entrusted to us and be sent to Elisen according to the legal procedures, or she could be entrusted you to be returned in a form of a commission... Those two are the only ways. What will you choose?"
Hajime inclined his head and wondered if it was okay not to entrust the kidnapped child of Sea-dweller tribe to the officials. According to Ilwa's explanation, it would be okay to leave her to them because from the beginning, the "Gold"s' rampage was to protect her, Myuu.
"Hajime-san... I, will, absolutely protect this child. That's why, let her come with us... please."
Shia bowed her head to Hajime. By all means she wanted to be together with Myuu until she was safely returned. Yue and Tio was watching Hajime in silence, leaving the decision up to Hajime.
"Onii-chan... stay together... please?"
It was foul play to say, "Please?," while sending an upward gaze from his own lap. More importantly, when he got Myuu back, he had already considered to take her along if she wished for it, so his decision had been made.
"Well, it would have been be a big help in beginning... But now, I hold her dear so I can't just say something like goodbye."