Baidu แปลภาษาออนไลน์บุ๊คมาร์ค
กรุณาป้อนข้อความที่ต้องการแปลหรือที่อยู่ลิงค์ของเว็บที่ต้องการแปลล้างข้อมูลHello My Lovely Princess
how are you doing today and how was work over there hope all went well and how is the young royal princes doing hope he is in good health? how was business today and hope all went well and hope all your workers are in good health and how do you take care of your 8 workers and hope they are not stressing you that much? and how do you manage to take care of them about their salary and other why do you chose to be sealing food is it that it pays you much or what? sorry if i ask much just that i care much getting to know you more better if possible for a future reason if you allow this friendship to grow some day because the main reason am here is for a serious relationship, so please if you agree to move alone with me all you have to do is to be sincere and be truthful in all that i ask you because they real you that's the main reason am here and getting to know you more and to get your attention too because in life nothing works until we work on them.
Can you tell me more about your country?
Ever since you left your ex have you been in any other relationship?
how long have you been in your business?
Is it hard for you to call my number because you know am down here in the sea so i hardly get my number credited because its the company measuring phone not use for much communication just for my son and gran mother only they are the people that calls me so its not that easy for me to call out because am almost done with the work here and my last reload is finished but maybe i can try to check out if it can connect by tomorrow.
and i want you to know that I am really happy to hear from you after I had sent you that massage . and as i get to read your massage and understand it all and i have one question for you is that Hope you don?t mind my religion? Because I am a Christian. I was born and brought up in a Roman Catholic Christian home both my parents were a good Roman Catholic and am very proud of them i know they are in the right place with the Lord. Well I don't mind religion as long as I can get real friendship and ideal love from you then I am fine and satisfied.
I desire to have a good, solid relationship with someone no matter where they are from. But that person has to want the same things from and for me.
What will you like to get out of this relationship assuming it grows positively...?
One thing I would like to seek from you is HONEST, I want us to be honest to each other in everything we do, of course you would agree with me that honest is the key to a good and lasting relationship, without truth we cannot move forward. I believe in co-operate existence in my relationship which I believe is the best for a matured relationship. I believe love to be the power that can bring two together from a far or near and I hope you will get hold of this point as I do too.
I want to envelop you, I want you to feel the unwavering love I have for you, I want to make you ecstatically happy, and I want you to never doubt for a moment that you are everything I need, everything I want. I cannot remember a time when I have wanted anyone more. It consumes me. There are simply no words that adequately expresses my sensibilities when it comes to you. This is only one small way for me to express my gratitude to you.
I am so blessed to have you as part of my life. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. The person you are is what keeps me going through everyday since i met you. You are my best friend, and the greatest lover imaginable! With you by my side, we can make anything happen! Together as a team, we are untouchable!... I have to stop here hoping to hear from you soon. Take your time to read and write to me,i will be highly honored to read your massages OK
Yours affectionately,
I think i need to go to bed now and hope to hear from you by tomorrow, sweet dreams and my regards to the Handsome son too.
ผลการแปล(ภาษาไทย > ภาษาอังกฤษ)คัดลอกผลการแปลเทียบสองภาษาในหน้าเดียว
Hello, I want you to know about me like, drink alcohol, don't go out at night, I go to a restaurant the day the evening go exercise. Then go home every day. I live in a small town, quiet, comfortable. I want you to know me more. But I can't speak to you. My sister doesn't believe you will love me? Just talk to thank you, still have us to get to know each other better, and be happy.
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