In this paper we have surveyed 5G technology for
mobile communication. The 5G technology is designed as an
open platform on different layers, from the physical layer up
to the application. Presently, the current work is in the
modules that shall offer the best Operating System and lowest
cost for a specified service using one or more than one
wireless technology at the same time from the 5G mobile. A
new revolution of 5G technology is about to begin because 5G
technology going to give tough completion to normal
computer and laptops whose marketplace value will be
affected. There are lots of improvements from 1G, 2G, 3G,
and 4G to 5G in the world of mobile communication. The new
coming 5G technology is available in the market at
inexpensive rates, high peak expectations and much reliability
than its foregoing technologies. 5G network technology will
release a novel age in mobile communication. The 5G mobiles
will have access to different wireless technologies at the
identical time and the terminal should be able to merge
different flows from different technologies. 5G technology
offers high resolution for passionate mobile phone consumer.
We can watch an HD TV channel in our mobile phones
without any disturbance. The 5G mobile phones will be a
tablet PC. Many mobile embedded technologies will develop.