for christmas this year, i’m doing the 52 reasons i love you booklet for derek. I’m getting started on it early because I want to make sure I get it done RIGHT. but i just finished at least a rough draft of my 52 reasons:
The special smile you only give to me.The way you give me butterflies with nothing but a glance.You help me through the bad timesYou put up with my anticsThe way your eyes light up when you see me.The sleepy smile in the mornings.Your cerulean blue eyes.You cater to my need of constant affectionYou tell me I’m beautiful even when I don’t feel beautifulYou help me through my anxiety and depression.You’re not afraid to be sillyYou cook for me- even if you don’t enjoy it.You’re proud of me.Your smile.You make me smile.You make me happy.You love me for me.You appease my need for ‘date nights’Your kisses drive me crazy.You’re my best friend.I want to spend forever with you.You make me the happiest girl in the world.You’re the fruit to my loops.You give fantastic hugs.You protect me.You tolerate me waking you up after I have a nightmareYou know my secrets.You let me be me.You let me cry on your shoulder.You lift me up when I’m down.You’re not afraid to buy my tampons. Or midol.You tolerate my horrible mood swings.You like my tummy, even if I don’t.You’re perfectly imperfect.The way your mouth moves when you play guitar.Have you looked in the mirror lately?I always feel safe with youYou’re my SupermanThe super cute texts you send that make me blush and giggleFor giving me a chanceFor having the patience to try to teach me how to play guitarI love how you say my name.You’re adorably awkwardYou let me wear your clothes, even if I look doofyYou watch Disney movies with meYou let me inOur hands fit together perfectly.You see something in me no one else does.Forever and ever, right?Your surprise kissesYou complete meHow hard it was to cut this list down to 52.