- ALL --
All refers to the total number of people or things of a group. They are considered as a group and not individually. There are minimum three things in the group.
All + noun
We can use All with a plural noun to make a generalization about an entire group of something.
All sharks are dangerous.
All elephants are slow.
All + of + determiner + noun
The noun can be singular, plural or an uncountable noun. These nouns can also be replaced by pronouns.
You need to read all of the book.
All of the pages are yellow and old.
All of the fish in the pond have died.
You need to remove all of them before they start to smell bad.
Note that All of + singular noun is not common and Whole or Entire used instead of all of.
You need to read the whole book (= all of the book)
We can also remove OF before the determiner + noun (but we must use OF before a pronoun)
You need to read all the book.
All the pages are yellow and old.
Pronoun + all
Sometimes you can place All after a pronoun to emphasize that every single one of that group is included.
We all hope you get better soon.
I hope you all have a great time.
I have made us all some sandwiches.