Portal hypertensive gastropathy.
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The most common symptom on presentation was hematemesis in 33 patients (53%), melena in 15 (24%) and both in 14 (23%). Thirty-two patients (52%) were hemodynamically stable on admission and 30 (48%) were hemodynamically instable. Twenty-eight (45%) patients had compensated cirrhosis and 34 (55%) decompensated cirrhosis. Six patients (10%) had liver failure. Six patients (10%) had hepatocellular carcinoma. Fifteen patients (24%) were Child-Pugh A, 16 (26%) B and 31 (50%) C. Co-morbid illnesses other than liver cirrhosis were documented in 47 patients (76%) (Table 5). The mean hemoglobin concentration was 9 ± 3 g/dl, 18 patients (29%) had initial hemoglobin below 7 g/dl. Twenty-seven patients (44%) required blood transfusion; the average number of units given was two.