The war versus NPR is still continuing. Our initial attacks destroyed most of their forces and now it’s time for you to come up and aid us. If you’re an offensive player and have less than 500 troops please target one of their oasis, it’s important to cut them out of their resources.
Main oasis targets are:
-61 -107
-64 -107
-63 -119
-67 -116
-69 -111
-71 -106
-72 -103
-75 -106
-78 -103
You can also attack their weaker villages if you have less than 500 troops:
-86 -116
-77 -127
-68 -133
-80 -106
-79 -106
-81 -98
-71 -105
-72 -115
-67 -115
-66 -109
-72 -94
-66 -114
-82 -108
-82 -114
-72 -109
-27 -92
If you have between 500-1000 troops consider attacking their weaker capitals:
-86 -108
-63 -116
-67 -109
-74 -105
-75 -107
-81 -107
-78 -109
If you have more than 1000 troops attack their most important capitals:
-74 -103
-72 -105
-64 -106
-64 -104
Let me know which target you choose and don’t forget to share your reports with alliance.
If you’re a defensive player, maybe you could send a reinforcement to balhut’s main village -76 -113 He was heavily attacked recently.
I will be updating the list of targets every couple days. If you do not want, you do not have to attack them, but if you do, we will be very thankful for your aid. Each attack matters. The quicker we eliminate their forces, the sooner we win this wars.