• This is an old attack formation, but when Supercell introduced upgradable Air Traps, it was over. Healers became a very easy target and very often they got killed in the first second of battle, making this attack very unreliable.
• But everything changed again with the February/14 update. Now Healers no longer trigger Air Traps and are back on the game!
• +-20 Giants
• 2-3 Healers
• If you are farming: complete with archers.
• If you are on Trophy push: complete with Wizards.
1. Look for Air Defenses. Attack the village in a way you can destroy Air Defenses really fast, or in a way you can avoid them for a long time.
2. Release the Giants, and right after some time Wizards and/or Archers.
3. If the Giants can destroy Air Defenses early in the battle, hold you Healers and use Healing Spell.
4. Once the sky is clear, release the Healers.
5. Use Jump or Rage spell to make the Giants job easier.
6. Since Giants target defenses, hold some Wizards for a few seconds. Once the Giants destroyed some defenses, especially Mortars, release them.
• This is a fast and cheap attack to make.
• Yes, it can be used on Champion League and if you are crazy enough to try, you can beat maxed villages with them!
• It doesn’t use Dark Elixir! If you are saving for your Heroes and want a powerful attack, this is for you!
• If you are farming, this is not exactly the cheapest and fastest attack you can make. There are better alternatives to get resources faster without waiting so long.
• If you are on Trophy Push, get ready for some big fails. This attack is kinda crazy, it’s fun, fast, but very unreliable! It’s impossible to really know how what will happen.
• Finally we can use Healers again! We really missed them!
• For famers, this attack takes a bit longer to prepare, but is much stronger! You can destroy most villages and steal tons of resources, something not possible using only cheap troops.
• For Trophy push, this is a fast formation so it’s possible to make many attacks on the same day without gemming everything. It’s also a great alternative to save Dark Elixir!