The Five Precepts
in Buddhism the term 'Pancasila in general refers to the fundamental moral principles for laity According to the Buddhist tradition, a person is suitable to be called a Buddhist only when he outwardly professes his faith in the Triple Gem i.e. the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha, and formally undertakes to observe Pancasila or the Five Precepts.
The Five Precepts binding on all Buddhists may be considered from two perspectives. First like basic moral principles in other religious system, The Five Precepts binding on all Buddhist may be considered from two perspectives. First like basic moral principles in other religious systems the Five Precepts enable men to live together peacefully in civilized communities for mutual protection solidarity and economic prosperity Second, they are the starting-point for the spiritual journey towards nibbana or the cessation of suffering. In the second perspective, the Five Precepts are included in the Training in Morality Silasikkhi) which is an essential prerequisite for the other two trainings, i.e. the Training in Concentration and the Training in Wisdom. A Buddhist who has completed the threefold Training (sikkha) attains Being endowed with morality(sila), concentration brings high fruit and blessing. Being endowed with concentra- tion, wisdom brings high fruit and blessing. Being endowed with wisdom, the mind becomes freed from al cankers.
The Five Precepts are as follows:
Panatipaita veramani: To abstain from killing living being. any 2. Adinnadanii veramani: To abstain from taking what is not given. 3. Kamesu micchacari veramani To abstain from sexual misconduct. 4. Musavadi veramani: To abstain from false speech. 5. Suramerayamajjapamadatthana veramani: To abstain from intoxicants causing carelessness.