423. Online Reputation Management › how it works › step 3: managing – dealing with opportunities and threatsThere are also a number of paid for services on the market that will assist notein monitoring, aggregating this information and identifying business key BrandsEye uses theperformance indicators (KPI) to ensure you are always on-top of your reputation. mentions to generate a reputation score. The reputation score is basedBrandsEye (www.brandseye.com), an ORM service launched in 2008, does on an algorithm that usesexactly that. 24 factors, including the number and frequency ofIt tracks an estimated 35 billion websites for mentions, and allows users to mentions, the sentimentcustomise reporting and data segmentation to better track relevant terms. of the mention and the influence of the mention to arrive at its outcomes.Figure 17.4 An example of a reputation graph.17.4.3 Step 3: Managing – Dealing withOpportunities and ThreatsThe best way to show you are listening is, well, the same as with a normalconversation. Comment when it’s appropriate, listen with interest, be polite,respectful and add value wherever possible. Online is much the same but thereare many channels available to companies to become an active participant inthe conversation.Brands which are most successful with ORM are constantly on the lookoutfor opportunities with which to propel their brand, and are keeping their eyespeeled for risks which may threaten their reputation. In both situations, thepower sits in how the brand responds. This response can range from a directCGM engagement to a full new communications/brand/marketing campaign.Ultimately it depends on how powerful the opportunity or risk is. 427