Dear Territory Champions,
No sooner is the 19th CEO Survey behind us than the 20th is looming .....
We have started our planning earlier this year due to the fact that this is our 20th year and so a special year in many regards (including the fact that we have a new Global Chairman) and one which will require some special outputs.
The team has been looking at some ideas for the In-depth Interview programme as this year the programme will need to be delivered in somewhat of a different way to previous years. One of the ideas is to revisit CEOs previously interviewed and this is where you come in.
Please take a look at the attached spreadsheet of CEOs interviewed (face to face/in-depth) since 2001 and let me know if there is anyone on there that you, as a territory, would like to invite back for an interview. At this stage we are only asking for ideas, this is not a formal nomination process and we ask that you do NOT invite anyone at this stage.