Managing the supply of nurses
The NHS Employers organisation is working with a range of partners from across the health system as part of a Health Education England (HEE) Steering Group to look at how we can improve the recruitment and retention of the nursing workforce. We are aware that nurse supply and demand issues are proving challenging for a number of NHS organisations at present and that many organisations are assessing staffing levels in the light of recent reviews and the new guidance provided by the National Quality Board.
HEE is leading work to help encourage registered nurses back to work, research has shown that employers often require more experienced or specialised nurses. There will also be a review of the content of the educational programmes to ensure they equip nurses with the skills required of modern nursing practice. Find out more on the Health Education England website.
Download a copy of the research which has helped to inform and shape the co-ordinated recruitment and retention solutions being explored by the HEE steering group.