ABSTRACT. Two new species of aploactinids are described from coastal waters of subtropical eastern
Australia. Pseudopataecus taenianotus, new genus and species, is described from seven specimens
trawled inside the Capricorn-Bunker Group, Queensland. It is readily distinguished from other aploactinids
by the markedly compressed head and body, large number of dorsal and anal-fin ray elements, frontal
bone with laterally-bowed ridges forming a shallow fleshy depression, and distinctly anterior insertion
of the first dorsal spine. Cocotropus microps, new species, is described from three specimens collected
from inshore waters of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales. It has the lowest dorsaland
anal-fin ray counts of the genus, dorsal fin forming three elevated sections, and coloration including
at least several small pale irregular spots or larger blotches.