Subjects were serially recruited if they were between 30-75 years of age, had a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 and ≤ 45 kg/m2 (obese), a HS-CRP of ≥ 3, agreed to discontinue anti-inflammatory medications and supplements (other than daily 81 mg aspirin which was allowed), agreed to use approved birth control methods if a female of childbearing age, and agreed to not initiate or change any exercise or diet programs during the study. Subjects were excluded if they had consumed the test product in the past, had allergies to the test product, using any drugs that can affect CRP, were taking hormone replacements, anticoagulant or anti-platelet therapy, had surgery in the past 6 months, smoked cigarettes, known alcohol or drug abuse, had major systemic, inflammatory or chronic disease, untreated depression, active eating disorder, were unable to understand or follow study protocol, were pregnant or lactating and had any medical condition which in the opinion of the investigator might interfere with the subject's ability in the trial.