Cuomo died Thursday of natural causes due to heart failure at his home การแปล - Cuomo died Thursday of natural causes due to heart failure at his home ไทย วิธีการพูด

Cuomo died Thursday of natural caus

Cuomo died Thursday of natural causes due to heart failure at his home, the same day his son Andrew started his second term, according to a statement released by the governor’s office. He was surrounded by his family.

Cuomo loomed large in New York politics as governor from 1983 through 1994 and became nationally celebrated for his ability to weave the story of his humble upbringing with ringing calls for social justice.He perfected his finishing move, which we’ll call “The Cruz Finishing Move” to skip the inevitably doomed effort of pun-workshopping. This is the tactic he introduced leading into the ’13 shutdown: John Boehner and the House leadership come up with a strategy that they hope will move an important item of legislation through the House, and then “Speaker Cruz” has lunch with Rep. Steve King and some other conservative troublemakers whom he persuades to withhold their votes. Boehner has to change the strategy by either making the legislation more conservative, thus killing its chances in the Senate, or more liberal, in order to make up the shortfall with Democratic votes. The Cruz Finishing Move was employed in both the border crisis legislative debate (remember the “border crisis”?) and the more recent “cromnibus” effort.

When not messing around with the House leadership’s plans, Cruz was busy dicking around with the Republican minority leader in his own chamber. In February, Mitch McConnell wanted to let a debt ceiling hike go through but keep Republican fingerprints off of it. But Cruz, much to the annoyance of his colleagues, decided to filibuster. That put Republican leaders in the awkward situation of having to vote to break the filibuster and then vote against the underlying legislation that they allegedly considered repulsive. And just this past weekend, Cruz held up passage of the “cromnibus” in order to secure a stunt vote of his own, a maneuver that ended up helping Harry Reid get various nominations through before the end of the 113th Congress.

But he was also known for the presidential races he stayed out of in 1988 and 1992. Cuomo agonized so publicly over whether to run for the White House that he was dubbed “Hamlet on the Hudson.”It’s ironic that there was such consternation across the liberal landscape that a magazine that for many decades positioned itself as the home of liberal establishment contrarianism and only under Chris Hughes seemed to be turning itself into a publication with a much more straight-ahead ideology. But the upshot of the whole episode seems to be that people thought Hughes bought the magazine as a way to advance a political philosophy and it turned out that really wasn’t his goal. And it raises an important issue: In this new world of billionaires in politics, where everything seems to be coming down to a sort of cage match between billionaires on the left and billionaires on the right, can liberals count on “their” billionaires to put their money where their hearts are?

This has actually been a long-standing discussion among activists on the left. Setting aside the natural worries about rich people of all political bents keeping one eye on their bottom lines, many liberal donors prefer to put their efforts toward specific charitable efforts they care about. It’s very hard to argue with it — those good deeds are necessary. But it is a very different approach to the way the right-wingers go about using their money to advance their political ideology and directly influence the political process itself.Okay, some of my 2015 political predictions don’t quite fall into the “wild speculation” category, but there are some that I hope will look wrongheaded when read a year from now. (And no, the one about Chris Christie continuing his downward spiral in presidential politics isn’t one of those.) Some are based on pure tea leaf-reading, others on an abundance of accumulating evidence. Here, without further delay, are five.

GOP will work with Obama to pass a controversial free trade agreement

While much of the post-midterms commentary has focused on President Obama’s surprising boldness on a number of fronts — immigration reform, climate change, the rapprochement with Cuba — he will find some measures on which he agrees with the Republican Congress. For all the right-wing depictions of the president as a radical Marxist bent on upending America, he remains a fundamentally centrist politician, and no issue better reflects Obama’s centrism than his support for free trade.

Despite mounting progressive unease with the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which includes the U.S. and 11 other Pacific nations, the GOP majority is likely to approve the pact this year. Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated that TPP is a priority, and while a small number of Tea Party conservatives join progressives like Sen. Elizabeth Warren in expressing reservations about the agreement’s corporate giveaways, the bulk of the congressional GOP supports free trade agreements, as do many Democrats.

On other issues, like tax reform, the gulf between GOP and Democratic priorities will likely prove too vast to forge agreement, so trade looks like the most likely area in which Obama and newly emboldened Republicans will work together.

In 1991, Cuomo left a plane idling on the tarmac at the Albany airport rather than fly to New Hampshire and jump into the battle for the presidential nomination at the last minute. He left the door open for a lesser-known governor, Bill Clinton of Arkansas.

Cuomo’s last public appearance came in November, when Andrew was re-elected governor of New York. The frail-looking patriarch and his son raised their arms together in victory at the election-night celebration. He didn’t attend Andrew Cuomo’s speech Thursday because he was not well, but the current governor spoke of his father.That Bernie Sanders Will Run for PresidentWelcome to the new trans-Eurasia choo-choo train. At over 13,000 kilometers, it will regularly traverse the longest freight train route in the world, 40% farther than the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway. Its cargo will cross China from East to West, then Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, France, and finally Spain.It’s not especially large by historic standards. Under the $1.1 trillion measure, government spending doesn’t rise as a percent of the total economy. In fact, if the economy grows as expected, government spending will actually shrink over the next year.Ben Carson: Fatherless black men and femimism are to blame for police shootings. During a phone interview on American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” in late November, Carson had this to say about fatherless black boys:

“Certainly in a lot of our inner cities, in particular the black inner cities where 73 percent of the young people are born out of wedlock, the majority of them have no father figure in their life. Usually the father figure is where you learn how to respond to authority. So now you become a teenager, you’re out there, you really have no idea how to respond to authority, you eventually run into the police or you run into somebody else in the neighborhood who also doesn’t know how to respond but is badder than you are, and you get killed or you end up in the penal system.”

Then he blamed feminism:

“I think a lot of it really got started in the ’60s with the ‘me’ generation. ‘What’s in it for me?’ I hate to say it, but a lot of it had to do with the women’s lib movement. You know, ‘I’ve been taking care of my family, I’ve been doing that, what about me?’ You know, it really should be about us.”

The only culprits for unjust police killings he left out were, of course, the cops. 10. John Hawkins, conservative commentator who runs Right-Wing News, wrote a column for Town Hall titled “How Not To Get Shot By Cops.” It’s pure genius! In his groundbreaking piece, Hawkins says that if you do everything an officer says, you should be just fine. He also has some dress code advice for folks who want to avoid being “racially profiled.”

If you dress like a thug, people – including cops – will respond to that. Back in the day, when I decided to put my psychology degree to work in a group home, I remember one of the kids complaining that every time he walked through a store, he heard the clerk call for “security” to look at different aisles. As he said that, he was wearing saggy pants with a bandana on his head (Wasn’t my call on letting him dress like that); so was it a surprise that he was treated with suspicion? Incidentally, since he actually WAS A THIEF, the system seemed to be working.

This applies to cops, too. They’re going to look at you differently based on whether you’re wearing a suit or look like a member of the Crips. Is that unfair? Not at all, because if you want to send the world the message that you’re a thug by the way you dress, then maybe it makes sense to pay attention to that message. The police certainly will and if a cop is looking at the “thug life” tattoo on your arm, then you need to be that much more polite to keep him from getting edgy.

Well, Mr. Hawkins, unfortunately I have a tattoo all over my body that screams “thug life.” It’s called being black. There are so many more dumb things conservatives say about cop killings, but I wanted to save you a few brain cells and spare you the depression. But what is so frightening about these remarks is that I’m sure every person on this list believes every word they say and that many other Americans agree with them. I hope 2015 will be better, but I doubt it.

The problem with the legislation is who gets the goodies and who’s stuck with the tab.

For example, it repeals part of the Dodd-Frank Act designed to stop Wall Street from using other peoples’ money to support its gambling addiction, as the Street did before the near-meltdown of 2008.

Dodd-Frank had barred banks from using comm
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ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 1: [สำเนา]
Cuomo died Thursday of natural causes due to heart failure at his home, the same day his son Andrew started his second term, according to a statement released by the governor’s office. He was surrounded by his family.Cuomo loomed large in New York politics as governor from 1983 through 1994 and became nationally celebrated for his ability to weave the story of his humble upbringing with ringing calls for social justice.He perfected his finishing move, which we’ll call “The Cruz Finishing Move” to skip the inevitably doomed effort of pun-workshopping. This is the tactic he introduced leading into the ’13 shutdown: John Boehner and the House leadership come up with a strategy that they hope will move an important item of legislation through the House, and then “Speaker Cruz” has lunch with Rep. Steve King and some other conservative troublemakers whom he persuades to withhold their votes. Boehner has to change the strategy by either making the legislation more conservative, thus killing its chances in the Senate, or more liberal, in order to make up the shortfall with Democratic votes. The Cruz Finishing Move was employed in both the border crisis legislative debate (remember the “border crisis”?) and the more recent “cromnibus” effort.When not messing around with the House leadership’s plans, Cruz was busy dicking around with the Republican minority leader in his own chamber. In February, Mitch McConnell wanted to let a debt ceiling hike go through but keep Republican fingerprints off of it. But Cruz, much to the annoyance of his colleagues, decided to filibuster. That put Republican leaders in the awkward situation of having to vote to break the filibuster and then vote against the underlying legislation that they allegedly considered repulsive. And just this past weekend, Cruz held up passage of the “cromnibus” in order to secure a stunt vote of his own, a maneuver that ended up helping Harry Reid get various nominations through before the end of the 113th Congress.But he was also known for the presidential races he stayed out of in 1988 and 1992. Cuomo agonized so publicly over whether to run for the White House that he was dubbed “Hamlet on the Hudson.”It’s ironic that there was such consternation across the liberal landscape that a magazine that for many decades positioned itself as the home of liberal establishment contrarianism and only under Chris Hughes seemed to be turning itself into a publication with a much more straight-ahead ideology. But the upshot of the whole episode seems to be that people thought Hughes bought the magazine as a way to advance a political philosophy and it turned out that really wasn’t his goal. And it raises an important issue: In this new world of billionaires in politics, where everything seems to be coming down to a sort of cage match between billionaires on the left and billionaires on the right, can liberals count on “their” billionaires to put their money where their hearts are?This has actually been a long-standing discussion among activists on the left. Setting aside the natural worries about rich people of all political bents keeping one eye on their bottom lines, many liberal donors prefer to put their efforts toward specific charitable efforts they care about. It’s very hard to argue with it — those good deeds are necessary. But it is a very different approach to the way the right-wingers go about using their money to advance their political ideology and directly influence the political process itself.Okay, some of my 2015 political predictions don’t quite fall into the “wild speculation” category, but there are some that I hope will look wrongheaded when read a year from now. (And no, the one about Chris Christie continuing his downward spiral in presidential politics isn’t one of those.) Some are based on pure tea leaf-reading, others on an abundance of accumulating evidence. Here, without further delay, are five.GOP will work with Obama to pass a controversial free trade agreementWhile much of the post-midterms commentary has focused on President Obama’s surprising boldness on a number of fronts — immigration reform, climate change, the rapprochement with Cuba — he will find some measures on which he agrees with the Republican Congress. For all the right-wing depictions of the president as a radical Marxist bent on upending America, he remains a fundamentally centrist politician, and no issue better reflects Obama’s centrism than his support for free trade.Despite mounting progressive unease with the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which includes the U.S. and 11 other Pacific nations, the GOP majority is likely to approve the pact this year. Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated that TPP is a priority, and while a small number of Tea Party conservatives join progressives like Sen. Elizabeth Warren in expressing reservations about the agreement’s corporate giveaways, the bulk of the congressional GOP supports free trade agreements, as do many Democrats.On other issues, like tax reform, the gulf between GOP and Democratic priorities will likely prove too vast to forge agreement, so trade looks like the most likely area in which Obama and newly emboldened Republicans will work together.In 1991, Cuomo left a plane idling on the tarmac at the Albany airport rather than fly to New Hampshire and jump into the battle for the presidential nomination at the last minute. He left the door open for a lesser-known governor, Bill Clinton of Arkansas.Cuomo’s last public appearance came in November, when Andrew was re-elected governor of New York. The frail-looking patriarch and his son raised their arms together in victory at the election-night celebration. He didn’t attend Andrew Cuomo’s speech Thursday because he was not well, but the current governor spoke of his father.That Bernie Sanders Will Run for PresidentWelcome to the new trans-Eurasia choo-choo train. At over 13,000 kilometers, it will regularly traverse the longest freight train route in the world, 40% farther than the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway. Its cargo will cross China from East to West, then Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, France, and finally Spain.It’s not especially large by historic standards. Under the $1.1 trillion measure, government spending doesn’t rise as a percent of the total economy. In fact, if the economy grows as expected, government spending will actually shrink over the next year.Ben Carson: Fatherless black men and femimism are to blame for police shootings. During a phone interview on American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” in late November, Carson had this to say about fatherless black boys:
“Certainly in a lot of our inner cities, in particular the black inner cities where 73 percent of the young people are born out of wedlock, the majority of them have no father figure in their life. Usually the father figure is where you learn how to respond to authority. So now you become a teenager, you’re out there, you really have no idea how to respond to authority, you eventually run into the police or you run into somebody else in the neighborhood who also doesn’t know how to respond but is badder than you are, and you get killed or you end up in the penal system.”

Then he blamed feminism:

“I think a lot of it really got started in the ’60s with the ‘me’ generation. ‘What’s in it for me?’ I hate to say it, but a lot of it had to do with the women’s lib movement. You know, ‘I’ve been taking care of my family, I’ve been doing that, what about me?’ You know, it really should be about us.”

The only culprits for unjust police killings he left out were, of course, the cops. 10. John Hawkins, conservative commentator who runs Right-Wing News, wrote a column for Town Hall titled “How Not To Get Shot By Cops.” It’s pure genius! In his groundbreaking piece, Hawkins says that if you do everything an officer says, you should be just fine. He also has some dress code advice for folks who want to avoid being “racially profiled.”

If you dress like a thug, people – including cops – will respond to that. Back in the day, when I decided to put my psychology degree to work in a group home, I remember one of the kids complaining that every time he walked through a store, he heard the clerk call for “security” to look at different aisles. As he said that, he was wearing saggy pants with a bandana on his head (Wasn’t my call on letting him dress like that); so was it a surprise that he was treated with suspicion? Incidentally, since he actually WAS A THIEF, the system seemed to be working.

This applies to cops, too. They’re going to look at you differently based on whether you’re wearing a suit or look like a member of the Crips. Is that unfair? Not at all, because if you want to send the world the message that you’re a thug by the way you dress, then maybe it makes sense to pay attention to that message. The police certainly will and if a cop is looking at the “thug life” tattoo on your arm, then you need to be that much more polite to keep him from getting edgy.

Well, Mr. Hawkins, unfortunately I have a tattoo all over my body that screams “thug life.” It’s called being black. There are so many more dumb things conservatives say about cop killings, but I wanted to save you a few brain cells and spare you the depression. But what is so frightening about these remarks is that I’m sure every person on this list believes every word they say and that many other Americans agree with them. I hope 2015 will be better, but I doubt it.

The problem with the legislation is who gets the goodies and who’s stuck with the tab.

For example, it repeals part of the Dodd-Frank Act designed to stop Wall Street from using other peoples’ money to support its gambling addiction, as the Street did before the near-meltdown of 2008.

Dodd-Frank had barred banks from using comm
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 2:[สำเนา]
Cuomo died Thursday of natural causes due to heart failure at his home, the same day his son Andrew started his second term, according to a statement released by the governor’s office. He was surrounded by his family.

Cuomo loomed large in New York politics as governor from 1983 through 1994 and became nationally celebrated for his ability to weave the story of his humble upbringing with ringing calls for social justice.He perfected his finishing move, which we’ll call “The Cruz Finishing Move” to skip the inevitably doomed effort of pun-workshopping. This is the tactic he introduced leading into the ’13 shutdown: John Boehner and the House leadership come up with a strategy that they hope will move an important item of legislation through the House, and then “Speaker Cruz” has lunch with Rep. Steve King and some other conservative troublemakers whom he persuades to withhold their votes. Boehner has to change the strategy by either making the legislation more conservative, thus killing its chances in the Senate, or more liberal, in order to make up the shortfall with Democratic votes. The Cruz Finishing Move was employed in both the border crisis legislative debate (remember the “border crisis”?) and the more recent “cromnibus” effort.

When not messing around with the House leadership’s plans, Cruz was busy dicking around with the Republican minority leader in his own chamber. In February, Mitch McConnell wanted to let a debt ceiling hike go through but keep Republican fingerprints off of it. But Cruz, much to the annoyance of his colleagues, decided to filibuster. That put Republican leaders in the awkward situation of having to vote to break the filibuster and then vote against the underlying legislation that they allegedly considered repulsive. And just this past weekend, Cruz held up passage of the “cromnibus” in order to secure a stunt vote of his own, a maneuver that ended up helping Harry Reid get various nominations through before the end of the 113th Congress.

But he was also known for the presidential races he stayed out of in 1988 and 1992. Cuomo agonized so publicly over whether to run for the White House that he was dubbed “Hamlet on the Hudson.”It’s ironic that there was such consternation across the liberal landscape that a magazine that for many decades positioned itself as the home of liberal establishment contrarianism and only under Chris Hughes seemed to be turning itself into a publication with a much more straight-ahead ideology. But the upshot of the whole episode seems to be that people thought Hughes bought the magazine as a way to advance a political philosophy and it turned out that really wasn’t his goal. And it raises an important issue: In this new world of billionaires in politics, where everything seems to be coming down to a sort of cage match between billionaires on the left and billionaires on the right, can liberals count on “their” billionaires to put their money where their hearts are?

This has actually been a long-standing discussion among activists on the left. Setting aside the natural worries about rich people of all political bents keeping one eye on their bottom lines, many liberal donors prefer to put their efforts toward specific charitable efforts they care about. It’s very hard to argue with it — those good deeds are necessary. But it is a very different approach to the way the right-wingers go about using their money to advance their political ideology and directly influence the political process itself.Okay, some of my 2015 political predictions don’t quite fall into the “wild speculation” category, but there are some that I hope will look wrongheaded when read a year from now. (And no, the one about Chris Christie continuing his downward spiral in presidential politics isn’t one of those.) Some are based on pure tea leaf-reading, others on an abundance of accumulating evidence. Here, without further delay, are five.

GOP will work with Obama to pass a controversial free trade agreement

While much of the post-midterms commentary has focused on President Obama’s surprising boldness on a number of fronts — immigration reform, climate change, the rapprochement with Cuba — he will find some measures on which he agrees with the Republican Congress. For all the right-wing depictions of the president as a radical Marxist bent on upending America, he remains a fundamentally centrist politician, and no issue better reflects Obama’s centrism than his support for free trade.

Despite mounting progressive unease with the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which includes the U.S. and 11 other Pacific nations, the GOP majority is likely to approve the pact this year. Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated that TPP is a priority, and while a small number of Tea Party conservatives join progressives like Sen. Elizabeth Warren in expressing reservations about the agreement’s corporate giveaways, the bulk of the congressional GOP supports free trade agreements, as do many Democrats.

On other issues, like tax reform, the gulf between GOP and Democratic priorities will likely prove too vast to forge agreement, so trade looks like the most likely area in which Obama and newly emboldened Republicans will work together.

In 1991, Cuomo left a plane idling on the tarmac at the Albany airport rather than fly to New Hampshire and jump into the battle for the presidential nomination at the last minute. He left the door open for a lesser-known governor, Bill Clinton of Arkansas.

Cuomo’s last public appearance came in November, when Andrew was re-elected governor of New York. The frail-looking patriarch and his son raised their arms together in victory at the election-night celebration. He didn’t attend Andrew Cuomo’s speech Thursday because he was not well, but the current governor spoke of his father.That Bernie Sanders Will Run for PresidentWelcome to the new trans-Eurasia choo-choo train. At over 13,000 kilometers, it will regularly traverse the longest freight train route in the world, 40% farther than the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway. Its cargo will cross China from East to West, then Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, France, and finally Spain.It’s not especially large by historic standards. Under the $1.1 trillion measure, government spending doesn’t rise as a percent of the total economy. In fact, if the economy grows as expected, government spending will actually shrink over the next year.Ben Carson: Fatherless black men and femimism are to blame for police shootings. During a phone interview on American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” in late November, Carson had this to say about fatherless black boys:

“Certainly in a lot of our inner cities, in particular the black inner cities where 73 percent of the young people are born out of wedlock, the majority of them have no father figure in their life. Usually the father figure is where you learn how to respond to authority. So now you become a teenager, you’re out there, you really have no idea how to respond to authority, you eventually run into the police or you run into somebody else in the neighborhood who also doesn’t know how to respond but is badder than you are, and you get killed or you end up in the penal system.”

Then he blamed feminism:

“I think a lot of it really got started in the ’60s with the ‘me’ generation. ‘What’s in it for me?’ I hate to say it, but a lot of it had to do with the women’s lib movement. You know, ‘I’ve been taking care of my family, I’ve been doing that, what about me?’ You know, it really should be about us.”

The only culprits for unjust police killings he left out were, of course, the cops. 10. John Hawkins, conservative commentator who runs Right-Wing News, wrote a column for Town Hall titled “How Not To Get Shot By Cops.” It’s pure genius! In his groundbreaking piece, Hawkins says that if you do everything an officer says, you should be just fine. He also has some dress code advice for folks who want to avoid being “racially profiled.”

If you dress like a thug, people – including cops – will respond to that. Back in the day, when I decided to put my psychology degree to work in a group home, I remember one of the kids complaining that every time he walked through a store, he heard the clerk call for “security” to look at different aisles. As he said that, he was wearing saggy pants with a bandana on his head (Wasn’t my call on letting him dress like that); so was it a surprise that he was treated with suspicion? Incidentally, since he actually WAS A THIEF, the system seemed to be working.

This applies to cops, too. They’re going to look at you differently based on whether you’re wearing a suit or look like a member of the Crips. Is that unfair? Not at all, because if you want to send the world the message that you’re a thug by the way you dress, then maybe it makes sense to pay attention to that message. The police certainly will and if a cop is looking at the “thug life” tattoo on your arm, then you need to be that much more polite to keep him from getting edgy.

Well, Mr. Hawkins, unfortunately I have a tattoo all over my body that screams “thug life.” It’s called being black. There are so many more dumb things conservatives say about cop killings, but I wanted to save you a few brain cells and spare you the depression. But what is so frightening about these remarks is that I’m sure every person on this list believes every word they say and that many other Americans agree with them. I hope 2015 will be better, but I doubt it.

The problem with the legislation is who gets the goodies and who’s stuck with the tab.

For example, it repeals part of the Dodd-Frank Act designed to stop Wall Street from using other peoples’ money to support its gambling addiction, as the Street did before the near-meltdown of 2008.

Dodd-Frank had barred banks from using comm
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 3:[สำเนา]
Cuomo ตายวันพฤหัสบดีตามธรรมชาติ เนื่องจากหัวใจล้มเหลวที่บ้านของเขา วันเดียวกับที่ลูกชายของเขาแอนดรูเริ่มต้นระยะที่สองของเขา ตามรายงานที่ออกโดยสำนักงานของผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัด เขาถูกล้อมรอบด้วยครอบครัวของเขา . . . . . .

Cuomo loomed ขนาดใหญ่ในมหานครนิวยอร์กเป็นผู้ว่าการจาก 1983 ผ่าน 1994 และกลายเป็นโอเปอเรเตอร์กระเดื่องสำหรับความสามารถของเขาที่จะสานเรื่องราวการเลี้ยงต้อยของเขากับเสียงเรียกร้องความยุติธรรมในสังคม เขาสมบูรณ์แบบของเขาเสร็จ ย้าย ซึ่งเราจะเรียก " ย้าย " จบครูซข้ามย่อมถึงความพยายามของปูน workshopping .นี้เป็นกลยุทธ์ที่เขาแนะนำชั้นนำในการปิด ' 13 : จอห์น Boehner และบ้านผู้นำมากับกลยุทธ์ที่พวกเขาหวังว่าจะย้ายรายการที่สำคัญของกฎหมายผ่านบ้านแล้ว " ผู้พูด ครูซ " กินข้าวกับตัวแทนสตีฟกษัตริย์และก่อกวนอนุลักษณ์อื่น ๆที่เขาชวนให้ระงับการโหวดBoehner ได้เปลี่ยนกลยุทธ์ โดยให้ทำกฎหมายอนุรักษ์นิยมมากขึ้นจึงฆ่าโอกาสในวุฒิสภา หรือเพิ่มเติม เสรีนิยม เพื่อให้ขึ้นบวกกับเสียงประชาธิปไตย ย้ายเสร็จ ครูซใช้ทั้งชายแดนวิกฤติสภานิติบัญญัติอภิปราย ( จำ " วิกฤตชายแดน " ? ) และล่าสุด " มากกว่า cromnibus

" ความพยายามถ้าไม่ยุ่งกับแผนการบ้านผู้นำ ของครูซ กำลังฟันรอบกับผู้นำชนกลุ่มน้อยรีพับลิกันในห้องของเขาเอง ในเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ , Mitch McConnell อยากให้ปรับเพดานหนี้ผ่านแต่ให้รีพับลิกันรอยนิ้วมือออกจากมัน แต่ครูซ , มากเพื่อความรําคาญเพื่อนร่วมงานของเขาตัดสินใจที่จะขัดขวางการผ่านมติที่ทำให้ผู้นำรีพับลิกัน ในสถานการณ์ที่ต้องโหวตเพื่อทำลาย Filibuster แล้วโหวตให้กับบริษัทกฎหมายที่พวกเขาถูกกล่าวหาถือว่าน่ารังเกียจ และวันหยุดสุดสัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมานี้ครูซ ซึ่งเนื้อเรื่องของ " cromnibus " เพื่อรักษาความปลอดภัยแกนเสียงของเขาเองซ้อมรบที่สิ้นสุดช่วยแฮร์รี่เรดได้รับการเสนอชื่อต่าง ๆผ่านก่อนที่จะสิ้นสุดของรัฐสภา 113th .

แต่เขายังเป็นที่รู้จักสำหรับประธานาธิบดีแข่งเขาอยู่ออกมาในปี 1988 และ 1992 Cuomo ทรมานเพื่อให้สาธารณชนมากกว่าว่าจะใช้สำหรับบ้านสีขาวที่เขาถูกขนานนามว่า " หมู่บ้านในฮัดสัน" มันเป็นแดกดันว่ามีความน่ากลัวในแนวนอนเช่นเสรีนิยมที่นิตยสารสำหรับหลายทศวรรษตำแหน่งตัวเองเป็นหน้าแรกของเสรีนิยมก่อตั้ง contrarianism และภายใต้คริสฮิวจ์สดูเหมือนจะปิดตัวเองลงในสิ่งพิมพ์ที่มีอุดมการณ์มากตรงไปข้างหน้า
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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