Your Clashot photo #21008300 I like it. wasn't approved for sale on Depositphotos because of one of following reasons:
1. NO COMMERCIAL VALUE. The image is not suitable for commercial use.
2. СOMPOSITION PROBLEM. The composition of the image does not meet our quality standards. As a result of image cropping or unsuitable layout, the image cannot be used for commercial purposes.
3. POOR LIGHTING. The photograph contains lighting mistakes. Common lighting mistakes include exposure issues, unintended shadows, white balance issues and imperfect color reproduction.
4. TOO MANY SIMILAR IMAGES OF THE SAME OBJECT. A series of photographs will be accepted only if they are different from each other.
5. IMPROPER ISOLATION. The image must be free from distractions, with shadows correctly isolated from the background. Make sure that the background contains a uniform white color.
6. FOCUS PROBLEM. The image may be blurred, or not properly focused on the object.
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9. QUALITY PROBLEM, ARTIFACTS. Your image does not meet our quality standards: the file exhibits artifacts when viewed at full size.
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11. FOREIGN/MISCELLANEOUS WORDS OR PHRASES. The image should not contain inappropriate words or phrases such as a telephone number, the date the picture was taken, the author's name or e-mail, or other contact information.
12. CHROMATIC ABERRATION. Photo has abnormal color distortions or unintended halos around objects within the image.
13. IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION. The image contains identifiable information, resulting in privacy concerns.
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