Apricot water
relations were seen to be adversely affected from the first day of the flooding onwards. These effects
were more pronounced in Búlida/RF than in Búlida/P plants. The T1 plants developed an early stomatal
regulation [decrease in leaf conductance (gl)], which prevented leaf tissue dehydration,
together with a decrease in net photosynthesis (Pn) and an increase in resistance to water flow
(R(ps)). This early gl and Pn response suggests that porometric and/or photosynthetic changes are
reliable bio-indicators of the altered behaviour caused by flooding in apricot plants. The lowest gl and
Pn, and highest R(ps) values occurred with more prolonged flooding (6 days), when a decrease in
leaf water potential (l) and leaf turgor was noted, together with epinasty, which in Búlida/RF plants
led to a decrease in l to –6.0 MPa, and the death of all plants. These results indicate Búlida apricot
plants grafted onto Pollizo prune rootstock is a more appropriate combination than Búlida/Real Fino
to resist occasional soil flooding situations.
Apricot waterrelations were seen to be adversely affected from the first day of the flooding onwards. These effectswere more pronounced in Búlida/RF than in Búlida/P plants. The T1 plants developed an early stomatalregulation [decrease in leaf conductance (gl)], which prevented leaf tissue dehydration,together with a decrease in net photosynthesis (Pn) and an increase in resistance to water flow(R(ps)). This early gl and Pn response suggests that porometric and/or photosynthetic changes arereliable bio-indicators of the altered behaviour caused by flooding in apricot plants. The lowest gl andPn, and highest R(ps) values occurred with more prolonged flooding (6 days), when a decrease inleaf water potential (l) and leaf turgor was noted, together with epinasty, which in Búlida/RF plantsled to a decrease in l to –6.0 MPa, and the death of all plants. These results indicate Búlida apricotplants grafted onto Pollizo prune rootstock is a more appropriate combination than Búlida/Real Finoto resist occasional soil flooding situations.
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