The fluorescent dye JC-1 is a very useful reagent for investigating
mitochondrial function, and it is widely used to monitor ΔΨm alteration.
The dye undergoes a reversible change in fluorescence emission from
green to red as ΔΨm increases. Cells with high membrane potential
promote the formation of dye aggregates, which exhibit red fluorescence. Cells with low ΔΨm contain monomeric JC-1 and exhibit green
fluorescence. Consequently, mitochondrial depolarization is indicated
by a decrease in red/green fluorescence intensity ratio. The reduction or
loss of ΔΨm is an early indicator of apoptosis and a key indicator of
cellular viability. Our results revealed that germacrone treatment
significantly induced MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 ΔΨm loss, suggesting
that germacrone might induce apoptosis in these cells, which has been
confirmed by TUNEL assay indicating an increased number of apoptotic
cells after germacrone treatment. Apoptosis plays a critical role in
eliminating genetically altered cells or cells that have been improperly
stimulated for hyperproliferation. The induction of apoptosis protects
organisms against neoplastic development. Thus, germacrone-induced
apoptosis might partially contribute to its cytotoxic and anti-tumor
effects in breast cancer cells
The fluorescent dye JC-1 is a very useful reagent for investigatingmitochondrial function, and it is widely used to monitor ΔΨm alteration.The dye undergoes a reversible change in fluorescence emission fromgreen to red as ΔΨm increases. Cells with high membrane potentialpromote the formation of dye aggregates, which exhibit red fluorescence. Cells with low ΔΨm contain monomeric JC-1 and exhibit greenfluorescence. Consequently, mitochondrial depolarization is indicatedby a decrease in red/green fluorescence intensity ratio. The reduction orloss of ΔΨm is an early indicator of apoptosis and a key indicator ofcellular viability. Our results revealed that germacrone treatmentsignificantly induced MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 ΔΨm loss, suggestingthat germacrone might induce apoptosis in these cells, which has beenconfirmed by TUNEL assay indicating an increased number of apoptoticcells after germacrone treatment. Apoptosis plays a critical role ineliminating genetically altered cells or cells that have been improperlystimulated for hyperproliferation. The induction of apoptosis protectsorganisms against neoplastic development. Thus, germacrone-inducedapoptosis might partially contribute to its cytotoxic and anti-tumoreffects in breast cancer cells
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