The recently entrepreneurial discussion let us believe that everything human beings are doing can be apostrophed as
“entrepreneurial”. There is almost a range of entrepreneurs, like the capitalistic entrepreneur, the policy entrepreneur, the
social entrepreneur, the knowledge entrepreneur and the intellectual entrepreneur. A global anthem full of entrepreneurs,
an entrepreneurial paradise on earth offered at discount prices. And last but not least this takes place midst in an uprising
world crisis. In fact it is commonly known that in the recent days the traditional entrepreneurial paradigma undertakes
among researchers and practitioners a shifting from the more classical to a more knowledge (intellectual capital) based
paradigma. It is obviously a shifting from plutocratic concept of possessing to a gnosiocratic human determined value
added growth model, whereby intellective / cognitive (episteme, logos) and agentive (praxis, techne) entrepreneurial
elements confound the new potential for the firm’s source of competitive edge. Through the above mentioned syncrasis of
human centered technology (= techne and logos) elements (intellective and agentive) the entrepreneurial corporate
becomes a non-imitational, learning (perceptive), adaptive (modulating), creative (demodulating) and cooperative
(transferring) «intellectual entrepreneur». In this way the entrepreneurial syncrasis of the firm’s tangible resources like
physical, technological and financial capital with the firm’s intangible (Learning Capital- LC, Modulation Capital - MC,
Demodulation Capital - DC, Transfer Capital - TC) resources, the intellectual entrepreneurial capital (IEC), “produces”
not just tangible products but endogenous determined teleological-intellective-agentive entrepreneurial competence and
expertise system, which leaves its “fingerprints” into the firm’s “intellectual statements” in form of intellectual or
knowledge based entrepreneurial performance indicators.†
The recently entrepreneurial discussion let us believe that everything human beings are doing can be apostrophed as“entrepreneurial”. There is almost a range of entrepreneurs, like the capitalistic entrepreneur, the policy entrepreneur, thesocial entrepreneur, the knowledge entrepreneur and the intellectual entrepreneur. A global anthem full of entrepreneurs,an entrepreneurial paradise on earth offered at discount prices. And last but not least this takes place midst in an uprisingworld crisis. In fact it is commonly known that in the recent days the traditional entrepreneurial paradigma undertakesamong researchers and practitioners a shifting from the more classical to a more knowledge (intellectual capital) basedparadigma. It is obviously a shifting from plutocratic concept of possessing to a gnosiocratic human determined valueadded growth model, whereby intellective / cognitive (episteme, logos) and agentive (praxis, techne) entrepreneurialelements confound the new potential for the firm’s source of competitive edge. Through the above mentioned syncrasis ofhuman centered technology (= techne and logos) elements (intellective and agentive) the entrepreneurial corporatebecomes a non-imitational, learning (perceptive), adaptive (modulating), creative (demodulating) and cooperative(transferring) «intellectual entrepreneur». In this way the entrepreneurial syncrasis of the firm’s tangible resources likephysical, technological and financial capital with the firm’s intangible (Learning Capital- LC, Modulation Capital - MC,Demodulation Capital - DC, Transfer Capital - TC) resources, the intellectual entrepreneurial capital (IEC), “produces”not just tangible products but endogenous determined teleological-intellective-agentive entrepreneurial competence andexpertise system, which leaves its “fingerprints” into the firm’s “intellectual statements” in form of intellectual orknowledge based entrepreneurial performance indicators.†
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
การอภิปรายของผู้ประกอบการเมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้ขอให้เราเชื่อว่ามนุษย์ทุกอย่างที่ทำสามารถ " มีเกือบช่วงของผู้ประกอบการเช่นเดียวกับผู้ประกอบการนายทุนผู้ประกอบการนโยบายที่ผู้ประกอบการทางสังคมผู้ประกอบการความรู้และผู้ประกอบการทางปัญญา เพลงทั่วโลกเต็มรูปแบบของผู้ประกอบการสวรรค์ของผู้ประกอบการที่อยู่ในแผ่นดินที่นำเสนอในราคาที่มีส่วนลด และสุดท้าย แต่ไม่น้อยกว่านี้จะเกิดขึ้นในท่ามกลางการจลาจลวิกฤตโลก ในความเป็นจริงมันเป็นที่รู้จักกันทั่วไปว่าในวันที่ผ่านมาผู้ประกอบการแบบดั้งเดิม ทั่วไปในหมู่นักวิจัยและผู้ปฏิบัติงานการขยับจากคลาสสิกมากขึ้นที่จะมีความรู้มากขึ้น( Paradigma The recently entrepreneurial discussion let us believe that everything human beings are doing can be apostrophed as
“entrepreneurial”. There is almost a range of entrepreneurs, like the capitalistic entrepreneur, the policy entrepreneur, the
social entrepreneur, the knowledge entrepreneur and the intellectual entrepreneur. A global anthem full of entrepreneurs,
an entrepreneurial paradise on earth offered at discount prices. And last but not least this takes place midst in an uprising
world crisis. In fact it is commonly known that in the recent days the traditional entrepreneurial paradigma undertakes
among researchers and practitioners a shifting from the more classical to a more knowledge (intellectual capital) based
paradigma. It is obviously a shifting from plutocratic concept of possessing to a gnosiocratic human determined value
added growth model, whereby intellective / cognitive (episteme, logos) and agentive (praxis, techne) entrepreneurial
elements confound the new potential for the firm’s source of competitive edge. Through the above mentioned syncrasis of
human centered technology (= techne and logos) elements (intellective and agentive) the entrepreneurial corporate
becomes a non-imitational, learning (perceptive), adaptive (modulating), creative (demodulating) and cooperative
(transferring) «intellectual entrepreneur». In this way the entrepreneurial syncrasis of the firm’s tangible resources like
physical, technological and financial capital with the firm’s intangible (Learning Capital- LC, Modulation Capital - MC,
Demodulation Capital - DC, Transfer Capital - TC) resources, the intellectual entrepreneurial capital (IEC), “produces”
not just tangible products but endogenous determined teleological-intellective-agentive entrepreneurial competence and
expertise system, which leaves its “fingerprints” into the firm’s “intellectual statements” in form of intellectual or
knowledge based entrepreneurial performance indicators.†
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..