Logic: Informal Fallacies
Logic is the study of the methods or principles that used in distinguishing valid from invalid reasoning. In is part, studying logic is from the ability to identify the informal fallacies.
Appeal to authority: authority plays an important role on accumulation of knowledge; however, authorities might have change to be misused such as misquoted and interpreted. Sometimes authorities may make a judgment not from their expert field and sometimes they may express their opinions in things that they could not possibly have the evidence such as morals, religious. Therefore, sometimes authorities also do make errors.
Argument against the man: it is likely to be negative than positive as it concludes that a statement is false just because it is made by a certain person.
Appeal to force: it refers to the acceptance of conclusion by force or threat and it does not prove the truth of the conclusion.
Appeal to pity: this kind of argument is committed when it involves a sense of pity in acceptance of conclusion.
Appeal to ignorance: it is committed when it is argued that statement is true by not proving that is false. According to the author, they mention that when we make an assertion, we usually must assume the responsibility of defending it, if this responsibility is altered to the other side, the fallacy of ignorance is committed.
Appeal a straw man: it is committed when it has weak argument for the implausible statement instead of giving the stronger or more reasonable arguments.
Appeal to popular sentiments: this appeal is committed when insert an emotional or feelings to win acceptance of a conclusion.