The present work details the design of a prototype, smallscale
biogas plant fed by food waste from a restaurant in
Mexico City. The restaurant generates on average 40.5 kg of
food waste per day which provide 69.2 L of feeding substrate
with 12.7% TVS that is processed by the plant to produce 6.1
m3 of biogas with 56% CH4. The plant features two
anaerobic digesters in series (1 m3 CSTR coupled with a 5 m3
conventional digester) working at ambient temperature with
HRT of 86 days and OLR of 1.9 kg-TVS/(m3
·day). Biogas
produced meets around 6% of restaurant’s final energy
demand for cooking and allows LPG savings of 692 kg
annually. A modified stove of the restaurant uses the biogas
to continuously operate up to 4.5 hours.