The Sugar lndlustry is confronted with the problem of safe bagasse storage
over extended periods. For long term storage, bagasse is accumulated in large
exterior stockpiles of Z00-3 O00 tonne capacity for periods ranging from six
months to three years. The quantity in storage is determined by the specific steam
production requirements of an individual inill. Current storage capacity is
relatively small. If an alternative paper or chemical feedstock usage for bagasse
developed, the quantity in storage at one site could exceed l00 000 tonnes.
In all mills the bagasse bin operates as a buffer fuel storage and is a critical
part of the b0ilei fuel supply system. Spontaneous combustion ofbagasse in this
situation represents a significant tltrcat to the integrity ofcapitnl plant in addition
to the loss of a valuable energy source. The paper is concerned primarily with
external bagasse storage.