The MPWT, as executing agency of the Project, will establish the GRM, and its support
system, including the setting up of the Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) at the
subproject (provincial) level. The GRC will comprise of local sangkat or village leaders,
representatives of the Municipality (involved in social and environmental concerns), and PIU
social and environmental safeguard counterparts. The PMU’s social and environmental
safeguard staff will oversee the GRM implementation. Their counterparts in the PIUs will
ensure the GRM implementation at the town level and will be responsible for keeping the
PMU informed. Contractors and Operators will be required to designate their respective
counterpart GRM staff. The village leaders, sangkat leaders and social and environmental
safeguard staff of the Municipality will serve as grievance access points for APs preferring to
approach their local leaders/governmen