This competency is likewise dynamic and may integrate
(work back and forth with) the other components. In Component
4, by drawing on oral health coaching techniques, the
provider should offer suggestions but also ask helpful questions
that support and allow the patient to share his or her
needs and perspective on the oral health care process (e.g.,
including personal hopes for the clinical experience and the
patient/provider relationship as well as possible concerns)
[44••, 63••]. However, with defensive or ambivalent patients,
using an MI-consistent approach may be most beneficial—
such as asking permission to proceed and/or encouraging the
patient to come up with a manageable plan [40] to address the
risk behaviors(s) identified in component 3. When offering
suggestions, the provider may need to tread lightly, and once
again, using more non-directive, patient-centered techniques
(i.e., again, an MI-consistent approach) may be helpful