When the related literature with service quality measurement in sport setting was investigated, it was seen that researchers have either directly applied the SERVQUAL instrument or have modified it to tailor it more specifically to the service of the fitness and recreational sport industry. For example, to measure the perceived and expected service quality in sport and fitness centers QUESC was developed by Kim and Kim (1995). Thedorakis and Kambitsis developed SPORTSERV with five dimensions and 22 items in 1998 to measure how spectators perceive the sport service quality in professional sport. In addition to these, in 2000 Lam developed SQAS (Service Quality Assessment Scale) with 6 dimensions and 40 items to measure customers’ expectations from sport and health centers. When the sport science literature was reviewed, it was realized that there is limited study regarding measurement of provided service quality and customer satisfaction, and this situation is shown similar for Turkey. So, the purpose of this study was to determine the service quality in the sport and fitness centers. On this purpose this study was designed to determine the service quality satisfaction level (perceived service quality minus expected service quality) of the students, academics and administrative staffs attending to sport and fitness centers in the public and the private universities in Turkey.