Thanks Miss Kuda. I agree the whole break up scene was done very well from watching Noh being concerned and worried to Phun letting go all that had built up inside of him in the elevator. I thought the playfulness between them beforehand led well into the more serious parts of the episode. I also liked the fact that Mark just didn’t come in and sweep Win away. When you have feelings like those of Win for Per a person coming along can help ease the pain but cannot take it away. At least we know Win is not easy and his feelings are genuine. Also it would appear he likes Win very much as he knows that he and Per use to walk home together everyday and now they don’t Can’t blame a guy for trying, huh. I especially like the scene where Mark goes from smiles and romance with Win immediately into disdain for Per. Well done I thought. The look on Per’s face i thought showed more anguish and being distraught than bad feelings towards Mark. Maybe I just wanted to see it that way. But as I have said before Per has such a great smile, it is tough for me not to see him smiling. I guess we can’t smile all the time can we.