The scored bands on the DNA fingerprints ranged
from 1.1 to 24 kb in size. The number of bands observed
in different individuals varied from 30 to 43 with a total
of 142 different bands observed. For simplicity, the data
will be presented as a comparison of sire lines, dam
lines, and the relationships between sire and dam lines.
Band sharing within lines differed significantly (P ≤
0.001) (Tables 1 and 2). The average band sharing within
commercial sire lines was 0.475 (range = 0.392 to 0.508),
which was comparable to the value (0.479) observed for
the experimental F line. The average band sharing
within commercial dam lines was 0.393 with a range of
0.370 to 0.437. The experimental E line had more band
sharing within the line (0.522) than observed within the
commercial lines.
Band sharing between lines also differed significantly
(P ≤ 0.001) (Tables 1 to 3). The average band sharing
between pairs of commercial sire lines was 0.267. The
average band sharing between the commercial sire lines
and the F line was slightly lower at 0.241. In the
individual comparisons of the commercial sire lines,
greater levels of band sharing were noted for the
comparison of the A1 and B1 lines. The sire line of
Breeder C demonstrated a low level of band sharing
with the sire lines of Breeders A and B. The experimental
F line was not closely related to any of the
commercial sire lines